Transition Into Tech

About Transition Into Tech

On April 3rd 2017, Mastercard Dublin welcomed 15 Transition Year Students, for a week long programme called Transition Into Tech. The programme which was initially conceived by Mark O’Looney and sponsored by Garry Lyons was aimed at encouraging students to think about technology, and the different job opportunities available to them in the FinTech Industry.

The Students

I thought you were all going to be really old


I never thought I'd be able to build a website

Our Day Leads


Front-end developer and all round nice guy that builds shiny things with delightful UX.


UX Designer and general creative who wanders the world making things with the Labs as a Service team.


Mobile & Web developer passionate about creating experiences that delight end users and enhance their day to day lives


In Control Developer, with a passion for equality and diversity in the workplace


Fun Loving and sarcastic, Brigid strives for perfection in everything she does

I had so much fun

Thank You

A special thank you to Ana Arjones, Brigid McKeown, Conor McQuillan, Donal Rafferty, Elaine Deery, Esther O'Sullivan, Gary Lawson, Gregory O'Brien, Holly Lysaght, Kayleigh Coffey, Kieran Tully, Kingsley Chimezie, Mairead Lyne, Niall O'Cuilinn, Niamh Tiernan, Owen Matthews, Pat McBennett, Peter Nolan, Riana Roche, Sean Berg, Sarah Callinan, Sarah Kingston, Siobhan Joyce, Stephen Ward, Tara Matthews, Tammy Hawkins, Thomas Treitlinger, Tom Keating, Tom O'Connor and Yasir Mohamed for all your hard work we could not have done it without you.

Finally a huge thank you to Garry Lyons our sponsor for the programme.